
Donate to CVCG securely here

The work of volunteers is not enough on its own to maintain the Reserve for all to enjoy now and in the future. While grant aided projects help to develop the site for all, day-to-day expenses have to be met by the CVCG.

Things have to be bought – whether its fuel for strimmers, bird seed, or nails for fence repairs, the ongoing running costs of the Reserve have to be met from donations and fundraising.

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We need you. If you have visited Clara Vale (perhaps more than once) and enjoyed the unique tranquility on the site of the former village coal mine, please consider a small donation to help us. £5 fills the strimmers with fuel. £10 or more helps towards the hundreds we spend on bird seed for the winter feeding stations, educational materials, tools and materials for maintenance etc.

Whatever you can give, you can be assured of the Group’s gratitude and that 100% of all donations go towards the upkeep of the Reserve.

Thank You.