
There are many species of birds at the Reserve, some are with us all year, others are seasonal visitors. They include; Robin, Wren, Bullfinch, Chaffinch, Yellowhammer, Chiff-Chaff, Greenfinch, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Coal Tit, Dunnock, Moorhen, Kingfisher, Heron, Greater Spotted Woodpecker, Pheasant, Sparrowhawk and more depending on the season.

Birds can be observed within the main Reserve area or by keyed access to the two bird hides. Access to the bird hides at Clara Vale is by keyholders only.

The good news is that if you purchase a key from Thornley Woodlands Centre for a one-off payment of just £5 (2015 price), this gives you access to six hides in the region, what a bargain!

For information about how to get a key and locations of other hides, follow this link:  Gateshead Council Bird Hides

Bird hide tips:

  • Enter quietly so as not to disturb birds (or other watchers)
  • The hides are not large, please allow room for others at busy times
  • Take your litter home, there are no staff to clean up!

During the summer season, we sometimes hold bird ringing sessions, which can give a fascinating insight into bird migration. Ringing sessions will be published in advance in our Upcoming Events listings.



We are fortunate to have some keen photographers visiting the Reserve who are happy for us to publish some of their work in the Birds Photo Gallery below: